In light of the Smart City project “climate-municipality.digital” (klimakommune.digital) of the German Energy Agency, the usage of digital technologies for climate smart cities is a central topic within the German Energy Agency. Due to increasing complexities and challenges in cities, a profound database is imperative when it comes to a holistic and sustainable approach in climate action within municipalities. However, many municipalities face challenges regarding data – either data collection, processing, analysis, or just in general data treatment.
Thus, this seminar offers the chance to openly discuss issues, challenges, and solutions regarding data treatment together with representatives from science, organisations, and cities. Municipalities get the chance to show off their use-cases and exchange knowledge and experiences to one another.
„Smart City Seminar – Data for Climate Action in Europe“
November 30, 2023
10:00 – 12:30 (UTC +1h)
Via Zoom
↓↓↓ Program ↓↓↓
10:00 Welcome – Eva Steiger – Germany Energy Agency
10:10 Fabian Seiter (German Energy-Agency (dena)): climatemunicipality.digital
10:20 Célia Aguiar and Maria João Telhado (Centro de Gestao e Inteligencia Urbana de Lisboa): Lisbon’s urban data platform
10:30 Christian Gaarde Nielsen (Copenhagen Solutions Lab): Intelligent Data Use in Smart Cities (IDASC)
10:40 Coffee Break
10:45 Peter Sailer (Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)): International Smart Cities Network and OpenCode
11:00 Heli Ponto (Forum Virium Helsinki): Regions4Climate (Digital Twin)
11:10 Ann-Louise Ekestubbe (Göteborgs Stad): Digital Twin and the data dilemma
11:20 Open Discussion with all participants
12:20 Wrap-up
12:30 End