In this seminar, we are looking into different concepts, tools, and solutions of energy management systems around the globe and discuss challenges, experiences, and success stories in break-out sessions.

Smart City International
In light of the Smart City project “climate-municipality.digital” (Klimakommune.digital) of the German Energy Agency, the usage of digital technologies for climate smart cities is a central topic within the German Energy Agency. Due to the increasing complexities and challenges in cities, a profound database is imperative when it comes to a holistic and sustainable approach to climate action within municipalities. Unquestionably, any municipality faces challenges regarding practical implementation when it comes down to data collection, data processing, analysis, evaluation, and finally the respective translation into measures. However, certain issues and parameters often overlap. In such cases, it is worthwhile to take a step back and see what solutions other municipalities in different countries are implementing. Are there any trends that might not have reached Germany yet but hold significant potential for climate protection in cities? Are use-cases scalable and applicable for German municipalities such as the city of Hagen in North Rhine-Westphalia, and what can we learn from each other?
Smart City Seminar
Many municipalities face challenges regarding data – either data collection, processing, analysis, or just general data treatment. This seminar offers the chance to openly discuss issues, challenges, and solutions regarding data treatment together with representatives from science, organizations, and cities. European municipalities get the chance showcase their use-cases and exchange knowledge and experiences with one another and with experts from the field of smart cities within the framework of a 2h-seminar.
“Smart City Seminar: Navigating Energy Management – Exploring Global Concepts and Solutions”
13 June, 2024
9:00 – 10:00 am (CET)
Via Zoom
Register here!
More information here
„Smart City Seminar – Data for Climate Action in Europe“
November 30, 2023
10:00 – 12:30 (UTC +1h)
Via Zoom
More information here
Landscape Analysis of Smart Cities International
Digital technologies provide a significant tool in the face of the increased complexity of cities. With a wide range of solutions, they can be easily adapted to the heterogeneous structures of cities and their local conditions. Many approaches to a reduction of CO2 have already been successfully implemented and established internationally, as demonstrated by the results of the international smart city landscape analysis. Our recently published publication analyzes selected use cases of global smart city solutions that aim to achieve a successful energy transition. It assesses these cases in terms of technological, regulatory, economic, and societal effectiveness, as well as their transferability to Germany.
The international smart city landscape analysis indicates that smart city solutions must align with local conditions; there is no one-size-fits-all approach. Municipalities should identify and define their strategic areas of action for their smart city early on. Focus areas could include improving administrative efficiency, enhancing transparency and citizen participation, achieving specific climate goals (reducing CO2 emissions), optimizing mobility and transportation processes, or promoting regional innovation and economic development.